
Soldier On

The ‘Soldier On’ publication is an important communication tool that keeps members of the Soldier On community up to date on all the relevant news and information.

Soldier On supports Australian service men and women who have been wounded, physically or psychologically in contemporary conflicts.

This includes conflicts after 1990, as well as serving members who were wounded in training or other exercises and individuals working for other Government agencies such as, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Federal Police, Australian Border Force, and other security agencies.

Soldier On does this in several different ways, to make a financial, physical and emotional link with those who have been wounded.
The four areas we work to help – enhancing rehabilitation, adventurous events, community events, and employment and education.

Readership5,000 (approx)
SizeA4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
Stock95gsm throughout
FormatUp to 12 different sponsor inserts to support local members with corporate sponsors in all copies
DistributionIt is distributed to Australian Service Men and Women of our Defence Forces (Navy, Army and Air) also Government agencies (DFAT, AFP and Border Protection) who have been wounded, physically or psychologically in contemporary conflicts and are now part of the ‘Soldier On’ community. Copies are also distributed to Federal and State Veteran Affairs and Defence Ministers.
• 4 editions per year (Autumn, Winter, Spring & Summer)
• Artwork required 6 weeks prior to delivery date (Last deadline)
• 10% discount applies to an annual commitment of 4 editions

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Contact Information

For all enquiries contact:
Countrywide Austral Pty Ltd

Our Postal Address:
GPO Box 2466
Melbourne, VIC 3001

P: 03 9937 0200
F: 03 9937 0201
ABN: 83 146 901 797